Abstract:The increasing installed capacity of renewable power generation deceases the rotational inertia and primary frequency regulation resource in power system, result into frequency fluctuating larger during power system operation. The renewable power generation participate power system frequency regulation is one efficient way for releasing this problem. The focus of this paper is to develop a new frequency regulation control strategy for photovoltaic (PV) power plant, which enables PV power plant to adjust the active power reserve level depending on the grid frequency, and participate the under/up frequency response. The strategy combine off-line curve fitting algorithm, on-line power tracking and irradiance estimation.it can seamless integrate with the exited maximum power tracing, and enhance the robustness for the off-line curve fitting error. The semi-physical simulation platform based on RT-LAB was built and the results verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
钟诚,周顺康,严干贵,丁茂生. 基于变减载率的光伏发电参与电网调频控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(5): 1013-1024.
Zhong Cheng, Zhou Shunkang, Yan Gangui, Ding Maosheng. A New Frequency Regulation Control Strategy for Photovoltaic Power Plant Based on Variable Power Reserve Level Control. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(5): 1013-1024.
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