A Three-Level PV Inverter with Independent MPPT Control for Two Sets of Photovoltaic Cells in Series Connection
Wu Xuezhi1, Xie Luyao2, Yin Jingyuan1, Tong Yibin1, Yang Jie1
1. Beijing Jiaotong University, New and Renewable Energy Research Institute Beijing 100044 China 2. Zhejiang University of Technology Hangzhou 310023 China
Abstract:A photovoltaic power generation solution with two seried photovoltaic arrays using neutral point clamp(NPC) three-level converter is proposed in this paper. Through zero sequence injection and neutral point voltage unbalance compensation, up and down DC voltage in neutral point clamp three-level converter can be adjusted independently, with no output AC voltage distortion caused by unbalanced neutral point voltage. Based on this principal, up and down solar panels’ independent MPPT control is realized and overall generated electric energy can be enhanced. Simulation and experiments are made to verify the goodness of proposed strategy.
吴学智, 谢路耀, 尹靖元, 童亦斌, 杨捷. 一种可实现两组串联光伏池板独立MPPT控制的三电平并网逆变器[J]. 电工技术学报, 2013, 28(11): 202-208.
Wu Xuezhi, Xie Luyao, Yin Jingyuan, Tong Yibin, Yang Jie. A Three-Level PV Inverter with Independent MPPT Control for Two Sets of Photovoltaic Cells in Series Connection. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013, 28(11): 202-208.
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