Abstract:An adaptive algorithm for the measurement of frequency signal is proposed. The model of the algorithm is formed by the gradient descent method, and it is proved to be asymptotically stable when the input signal to be measured is nonstationary, according to the theorem of Liapunov stability. The influence of the value for the parametric factors of the algorithm on the character of the adaptive algorithm is studied. The strategy for adjusting the parametric factors dynamically can ensure the algorithm convergence accurately to the component which is to be measured when the input signal is stable, suppressing the interference of noise and other component. Meanwhile, the algorithm can response to the variation of the component to be measured quickly and convergence to the new state of the component immediately. The correctness and effectiveness of the algorithm are proved by the theoretical analysis as well as the simulation studies.
刘亚栋, 杨洪耕, 马超, 刘张. 一种频率信号的自适应测量法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2012, 27(11): 263-270.
Liu Yadong, Yang Honggeng, Ma Chao, Liu Zhang. An Adaptive Measuring Method for Frequency Signal. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2012, 27(11): 263-270.
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