Abstract:This paper presents a novel power system harmonic and interharmonic analysis method based on S-transform and TT-transform. By using the spectral properties of diagonal elements of TT-transform and interpolation algorithm, the paper proposes a high precision measurement algorithm to detect steady harmonics and interharmonics, and solves the problem that the high frequency harmonics and interharmonics in power system is too less to detect. For dynamic harmonic and interharmonic analysis, the paper uses spectral analysis of diagonal elements of TT-transform to calculate frequency, amplitude and other parameters of each frequency component in signal, and accurately determines the beginning and ending time of each frequency component by analyzing the result of S-transform and detecting the amount of mutation of TT-series. Simulation results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method in steady, dynamic harmonic and interharmonic analysis.
黄纯, 朱智军, 曹一家, 汪沨, 黎灿兵, 董旭柱. 一种电网谐波与间谐波分析新方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2013, 28(9): 32-39.
Huang Chun, Zhu Zhijun, Cao Yijia, Wang Feng, Li Canbing, Dong Xuzhu. A Novel Power System Harmonic and Interharmonic Analysis Method. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2013, 28(9): 32-39.
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