尹明1, 2 , 王成山2 , 葛旭波1 , 张义斌1
1. 国网能源研究院 北京 100052 2. 天津大学电气与自动化工程学院 天津 300072
Comparison and Analysis of Wind Power Development Between China and Germany
Yin Ming1, 2 , Wang Chengshan2 , Ge Xubo1 , Zhang Yibin1
1. State Grid Energy Research Institute Beijing 100052 China 2. Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China
摘要 近年来, 随着我国风电事业的迅速发展, 将会在技术上、管理上遇到各种问题。在客观认识我国国情基础上, 充分借鉴风电发达国家的成功发展经验, 是解决这些问题的有益途径。本文分析了中、德两国风电发展历程, 从风电的作用、发展模式、面临的问题三方面比较了两国风电发展的特点, 并指出未来我国风电事业的健康持续发展, 需要风电与电力系统的统一规划、科学的标准规范以及完善的政策法规体系。
关键词 :
风力发电 ,
发展模式 ,
比较 ,
规划 ,
Abstract :China's wind power industry develops rapidly in recent years. Probably, some problems, either technological or managerial, will emerge. One approach to coping with the problems is to resort to the successful experiences of the advanced-in-wind-industry countries based on understanding of China's basic conditions. The paper analyzes the developing history of China and Germany in wind power industry and compares the characteristics of wind power industry in terms of function, development mode and the problems faced. Finally, the paper points out that the healthy sustainable development of China's future wind power industry needs unified planning for both wind power and grids, scientific technical standards and grid codes, and complete policy systems.
Key words :
Wind power generation
development mode
smart grid
收稿日期: 2009-10-15
出版日期: 2014-03-04
作者简介 : 尹明 男, 1974年生, 博士, 副教授, 研究方向包括电力系统规划、风力发电、智能电网等。王成山 男, 1962年生, 博士, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向包括电力系统优化规划、电力系统的安全性与稳定性等。
尹明, 王成山, 葛旭波, 张义斌. 中德风电发展的比较与分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2010, 25(9): 157-61.
Yin Ming, Wang Chengshan, Ge Xubo, Zhang Yibin. Comparison and Analysis of Wind Power Development Between China and Germany. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2010, 25(9): 157-61.
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