Compatibility and Interaction Mechanism between C4F7N/CO2/O2 and EPDM |
Wu Peng1, Ye Fanchao1, Li Yi1, Tang Ju1, Xiao Song1, Zhang Xiaoxing1,2 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China; 2. Hubei Key Laboratory for High-efficiency Utilization of Solar Energy and Operation Control of Energy Storage System Hubei University of Technology Wuhan 430068 China |
Abstract C4F7N mixed gases have attracted much attention in recent years due to their excellent electrical properties and low global warming potential value. However, the compatibility of C4F7N and its gas mixture with the internal sealing materials of gas insulated equipment still needs to be tested before it is put into field application. At present, there have been some studies on the compatibility of C4F7N with EPDM, but few of them focus on the compatibility comparison between C4F7N gas mixtures and EPDM with different third monomers and the mechanism of gas-solid interaction. In this paper, ENB-EPDM and DCPD-EPDM were selected and the compatibility experiment was carried out with C4F7N/CO2/O2 mixed gases. The results reveal that some active structures in EPDM reacted with the CN group of C4F7N. The contact between gas and rubber surface could be effectively blocked by coating silicone grease, and the decomposition of C4F7N was reduced. In addition, after comparing the experimental results of the two kinds of rubber, it is found that ENB-EPDM is more suitable for sealing C4F7N gas mixture than DCPD-EPDM, the difference is due to the different crosslinking efficiency provided by the two third monomers.
Received: 28 December 2020
Fund:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51977159) |
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