Sub-Synchronous Oscillation Suppression Strategy of Weak AC Wind Power System with Static Var Compensator Based on Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control |
Yan Xiangwu, Chang Wenfei, Cui Sen, Sun Ying, Jia Jiaoxin |
Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Distributed Energy Storage and Microgrid North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract On August 9, 2019, A large-scale blackout in the United Kingdom caused blackouts in several important cities, losing about 3.2 percent of the load and affecting about 1 million power users. On the basis of the accident investigation report provided by the UK National Grid, the development process of large-scale off-grid of Hornsea wind farm in the accident was analyzed in detail, and the specific reasons for the sub-synchronous oscillation of Hornsea wind farm were analyzed. The Hornsea wind power system model was established by Matlab simulation software to reproduce the accident. To solve the problem of sub-synchronous oscillation of Hornsea wind farm, using the advantages of linear active disturbance rejection control with strong anti-disturbance ability and strong adaptability to different working conditions, a linear active disturbance rejection controller was proposed to replace the voltage PI control module of the static var compensator (SVC), which would estimate and compensate the total disturbance in the Hornsea wind power system, overcome the contradiction between the system response speed and overshoot, improve the stability and robustness of system, and effectively suppress the sub-synchronous oscillation of Hornsea wind power system. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy in suppressing the sub-synchronous oscillation of weak AC wind power system after being applied to static var compensator, which serves as a reference for studying similar problems of offshore wind power in China.
Received: 19 April 2021
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