Distributed Cooperative Control Method and Application in Power System |
Yang Jun, Hou Junhao, Liu Yawei, Zhang Huaguang |
College of Information Science and Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang 110004 China |
Abstract The research status of distributed cooperative control method in power system is summarized to meet the needs of the transformation from traditional power grid to smart grid. Firstly, the advantages and disadvantages of traditional centralized control and distributed control are compared and analyzed. Secondly, some common distributed cooperative control methods including the event triggered consistency algorithm are introduced. Then, the typical applications of distributed cooperative control method in power system are presented such as virtual power plant, economic dispatch, microgrid frequency control and distribution network reactive power optimization. Finally, the development trend of distributed cooperative control in power system is prospected. The problems to be solved and the future development direction of the research are pointed out.
Received: 14 December 2020
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