Simulation of DNA Transfection in Cells Under μs/ms Pulsed Electric Field |
Peng Hao, Zhang Lin, Liu Xin, Guo Fei |
Chongqing Key Laboratory of Complex Systems and Bionic Control Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Chongqing 400065 China |
Abstract In order to study the effect of μs/ms pulsed electric field on the uptake of DNA by cells, the mathematical model of DNA transfection of spherical cells under the action of pulsed electric field was established based on the equation of pore density, pore radius and DNA migration, and the characteristics of intracellular DNA concentration ([DNA]i) with typical pulse parameters were calculated. The simulation results showed that [DNA]i increased from 0 to 7.8×10-8mol/m3 with a single pulse of 100μs and a field strength of 1kV/cm, and [DNA]i increased to 1.1×10-8mol/m3 with a single pulse of 1ms and a field strength of 0.5kV/cm. Then, the effects of time interval (0~1s) and the order of application on the uptake of DNA under the action of the double pulse composed of the above two pulses were studied. The results showed that [DNA]i was 3.45×10-7mol/m3 at different time intervals when 100μs pulse was applied first and then 1ms pulse was applied, [DNA]i was 8.9×10-8mol/m3 when the application sequence with the time interval<10ms, and [DNA]i increased to 1.68×10-7mol/m3 when the time interval was 1s. In addition, [DNA]i was positively correlated with the pulse amplitude under specific conditions. The simulation results provide parameter optimization guidance for the application of pulse-induce DNA transfection.
Received: 24 June 2020
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