3-D Analytical Modeling and Electromagnetic Force Optimization of Permanent Magnet Electrodynamic Suspension System |
Wu Chuan, Li Guanchun, Wang Dong |
National Key Laboratory for Vessel Integrated Power System Technology Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract The accurate calculation of electromagnetic force is the principle of analysis and design for permanent magnet electrodynamic suspension (PM-EDS) system with a Halbach array and optimization is the key of enhancing system performance and reducing construction cost. The 3D analytical model including the transverse edge effect and longitudinal end effect, well known for describing linear induction machines, was established in this paper. The comparison of different calculation results between 2-D, 3-D analytical models and 3-D FEA simulation results reveals that the presented model is accurate and reliable. The impact of structure parameters on optimization objectives was studied through optimization analysis of PM-EDS based on 3D analytical model, where the influence of the conductive plate width and permanent magnet width on the transverse edge effect was first analyzed. And a system optimization design method based on parameter analysis had been drawn. Finally the multi-objective particle swam optimization (MOPSO) was performed utilizing the 3D analytical model. The high efficiency and reliability of the optimization method presented is validated by comparing the performance of design given by proposed optimization method and that given by MOPSO.
Received: 03 August 2020
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