Effect of Thermal Aging on the Characteristic to Withstand Switching Overvoltage of Interturn Insulation of Dry-Type Air Core Power Reactor |
Nie Hongyan1, Wei Xinlao1, Yao Yuanhang1, Zhu Bo1, Yu Chunlai2 |
1. Key Laboratory of Engineering Dielectrics and Its Application Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin 150080 China; 2. Electric Power Research Institute State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power Company Limited Harbin 150030 China |
Abstract In order to study the influence of thermal aging on the characteristics of withstand switching overvoltage in the turn-to-turn insulation of dry-type air-core reactors, the test of the withstand overvoltage number in turn-to-turn insulation model specimens under different the degrees of thermal aging was carried out. Then, the functional model between the withstand overvoltage number and the degree of thermal aging was obtained. The variations of the electrical parameters of model specimens with the degree of thermal aging were analyzed, such as breakdown voltage, insulation resistance, partial discharge, elongation, tensile strength, and surface morphology of polyester film. Accordingly, the influence mechanism of thermal aging on the withstand characteristics of switching overvoltage in the turn-to-turn insulation of dry-type air-core reactors was analyzed, The results show that thermal aging will not lead to the decrease in electrical properties of turn-to-turn insulation, such as breakdown voltage, insulation resistance and partial discharge. The decrease in the mechanical properties of polyester film caused by thermal aging is the fundamental reason for the exponential decrease in the withstand overvoltage characteristics of the turn-to-turn insulation of dry-type air-core power reactors. This paper can lay a foundation for further development of the degradation mechanism of turn-to-turn insulation of dry-type air-core power reactors under the combined action of multiple factors.
Received: 28 October 2019
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