User-Side Voltage Regulation Method for Transformer Areas Based on Electric Spring |
Yan Xiangwu, Jia Jiaoxin, Wang Desheng, Qin Benshuang |
Key Laboratory of Distributed Energy Storage and Micro-Grid of Hebei Province North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract The traditional ES topological structure cannot effectively solve the problem of large range fluctuation of user terminal voltage caused by photovoltaic power generation in low-voltage transformer areas. This paper proposes a ES topological structure to ensure that the user terminal load operates at the rated voltage. The principle of the ES topological structure in capacitive and inductive mode is described by phasor graph method. The closed-loop voltage control strategy based on PR controller is proposed to realize the voltage stabilizing function of the ES. The determination conditions and the corresponding steady-state operation interval of the new ES topology under constant voltage and reduction voltage mode are calculated quantitatively, and used as the basis for the parameter design of the experimental device. Finally, experiments have verified the feasibility and effectiveness of the new ES topology for voltage regulation of the load terminal in daytime and at night.
Received: 15 May 2019
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