Grid Voltage Sensorless Model Predictive Control for Grid-Connected Inverters |
Guo Leilei1, Jin Nan1, Li Yanyan1, Dai Linwang2, Sun Yishu1 |
1. College of Electric and Information Engineering Zhengzhou University of Light Industry Zhengzhou 450002 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Operation and Control of Renewable Energy & Storage Systems China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China |
Abstract In recent years, model predictive control methods have been widely used to control grid-connected inverters. To further reduce the harmonics of the grid current and improve the reliability of the system, a grid voltage sensorless double-vector model predictive control method for grid- connected inverters is proposed in this paper. Firstly, an improved sliding mode observer-based grid voltage online observation method is proposed to achieve grid voltage sensorless control. The proposed method can realize grid voltage observation without the precise frequency of the grid. Meanwhile, the influence of the grid voltage background harmonics on the current control is restrained to a certain extent due to the utilization of the low-pass filter in the observer. Secondly, to further reduce the current harmonics, a double-vector based-model predictive control method is proposed based on the principle of the modulated model predictive control, and its validity is proved theoretically. Detailed comparative experimental results verify the proposed method.
Received: 05 June 2019
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