MMC Passivity-Based and Backstepping Circulating Current Suppressing Method Based on Port-Controlled Hamiltonian with Dissipation Model |
Xue Hua, Pan Zhexiao, Wang Yufei, Tian Guangping, Yang Xingwu |
Electric Power Engineering Shanghai University of Electric Power Shanghai 200090 China |
Abstract Modular multilevel converter (MMC) is widely used in renewable energy power grid connection. However, due to the random fluctuations, system parameter perturbation and its nonlinear characteristics, it is difficult to ensure the global asymptotic stability and strong robustness of MMC circulation suppression using traditional vector control methods. To solve this problem, a novel passivity-based and backstepping circulating current suppressing method based on port-controlled Hamiltonian with dissipation (PCHD) model was proposed. Based on the MMC global energy function of the PCHD model, the passivity-based controller was designed to correct the energy dissipation and flow of the closed-loop system through energy function shaping, so that the system energy could obtain the minimum value at the desired equilibrium point. The global asymptotic stability of the system was realized. The backstepping control method was adopted to eliminate the tracking error caused by uncertain disturbance and MMC parameter perturbation, thereby realizing the fast tracking of circulating double frequency components. The results of Matlab/Simulink and dSPACE show that the proposed passivity-based and backstepping circulating current suppressing method of MMC has the advantages of simplicity, no singularity and good transient performance, which can ensure the global stability and robustness of the system.
Received: 17 July 2019
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