Research on Adaptability of Grid-Connected Inverter with Complex Coefficient-Filter Structure Phase Locked Loop to Weak Grid |
Tu Chunming1, Gao Jiayuan1, Li Qing1, Jiang Fei2, Guo Qi1 |
1. National Electric Power Conversion and Control Engineering Technology Research Center Hunan University Changsha 410082 China; 2. School of Electrical and Information Engineering Changsha University of Science and Technology Changsha 410004 China |
Abstract According to the traditional synchronous rotating frame PLL (SRF-PLL) grid- connected inverter system, combined with the fundamental positive sequence voltage extraction characteristics of complex coefficient-filter, an grid-connected inverter system with complex coefficient-filter-based PLL (CFPLL-GIS) is constructed. On this basis, considering the influence of PLL, the impedance model of CFPLL-GIS is established. The impedance-based stability criterion analysis shows that the introduction of complex coefficient-filter structure can improve the phase angle of equivalent output impedance of grid-connected inverter system in the middle frequency band, and can significantly improve the adaptability of grid-connected inverter system to weak grid. Meanwhile, taking the loop-gain of the grid-connected inverter system as the design guide, a remodeling control strategy of equivalent output impedance of the grid-connected inverter system is proposed to improve the impedance characteristics of the system, ensuring sufficient stability margin of the grid-connected inverter s
Received: 22 May 2019
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