Compatibility between Gas and Solid Materials in Gas Insulated Equipment |
Li Han, Zheng Zheyu, Yuan Ruijun, Zhou Wenjun, Yu Jianhui |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China |
Abstract With the global warming and the limitation of greenhouse gas emissions, a variety of new environmental protection insulation gases are emerging to replace SF6. However, before the use of SF6-alternative gas in large scale, the compatibility between these gases and materials used in gas insulated transmission line (GIL) or gas insulated switchgear (GIS) must be investigated. This paper summarizes the research history and current situation of gas-solid material compatibility in gas insulated equipment. The problems still existing in the research of gas-solid material compatibility are discussed from three aspects: gas and metal material, rubber sealing material (elastomer) and solid insulating material (insulator). The test method is set up. Judgment index and next research assumption of gas-solid material compatibility are also put forward in this paper.
Received: 04 August 2019
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