A Robust Control Strategy for Eliminating the Structure Disturbance of Islanding Microgrid |
Sun Xiaofeng1, Ma Honglei1, Jia Leilei1, 2, Li Xin1 |
1. Key Lab of Power Electronics for Energy Conservation & Motor Drive of Hebei Province Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China;; 2. Key Lab of Electromagnetic Transformation and Detection of Henan Province Luoyang Normal University Luoyang 471934 China |
Abstract The distributed generation devices are operated in parallel by solid state transformer (SST), after utilizeing the communication system, an intelligent microgrid can be formed, the master-slave control can be adopted by utilizeing the advantage of communication when the smart grid is running in islanded condition. During the operation of the system, if the slave is cut off because of the fault or reconnected after repaired, the structure of the system will be changed, which will affect the stability of the system. For dealing with this problem, the uncertainty of the master’s model is analyzed in this paper, and then the robust controller is designed based on the mixed sensitivity for master-slave control of microgrid. The master uses the designed robust controller to supprot voltage for the entire system. Through the designed robust controller, the robustness of the system voltage to the disturbance caused by the change of the number of slaves is enhanced, so that the system voltage amplitude and frequency can be stabilized when the number of slaves or load changes. Finally, the simulation and experimental verification of the Matlab/Simulink simulation platform and the RTDS controller hardware in the loop (CHIL) platformare carried out. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed controller.
Received: 04 September 2018
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