Influence of Different Layout Methods on Artificial Pollution Flashover Characteristics of AC Insulator Strings |
Jiang Xingliang, Ren Xiaodong, Han Xingbo, Hou Ledong, Huang Yafei |
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract The arrangement of insulator strings has an effect on its pollution flashover characteristics. A new arrangement of insulator strings—inverted T-type arrangement, is proposed in this paper. The electric field distribution is simulated and the pollution flashover characteristics are tested in an artificial climate chamber. The results show that the inverted T-type arrangement can greatly improve the flashover voltage of insulator string pollution, the highest pollution flashover voltage of insulator string under the “4+4” inverted T-type arrangement is up to 14.9%, and the flashover voltage of inverted T-type arrangement increases with the increase of the insulator number in the horizontal tensile part. The discharge process of inverted T-type insulator strings is different from that of normal suspension strings, that is, local arcs are produced at the high and low voltage ends of the suspension strings and develop to the middle, while it is difficult for the horizontal tension strings to produce arcs during discharge process.
Received: 30 November 2018
Published: 28 February 2020
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