A Global High-Frequency Oscillation Suppression Method for Multi-Inverter Grid-Connected System in Weak Grid |
Xie Zhiwei, Chen Yandong, Wu Wenhua, Wang Xiangyu, Wang Zili |
National Engineering Research Center for Power Conversion and Control Hunan University Changsha 410082 China |
Abstract This paper presents a global high-frequency oscillation suppression method for multi-inverter grid-connected system in weak grid. By introducing the global voltage variable of point of common coupling(PCC) and the high-frequency component of grid-connected current into the inverter control, the high-frequency oscillation suppression of multi-inverter system can be realized. Firstly, the virtual resistance of the paralleled inverter at the PCC was constructed by introducing the feedforward of the PCC voltage, which restrained the harmonic resonance of the impedance network caused by the harmonic voltage of the inverter and the background harmonic voltage of the grid. Secondly, the high-frequency component of grid-connected current was introduced to construct the virtual impedance paralleled to the output filter capacitor of the inverter, which increased the damping of the inverter and restrained the oscillation of the paralleled inverters. Simulations and experiments verified the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Received: 09 October 2018
Published: 28 February 2020
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