Flashover Possibility Analysis of Overhead Power Transmission and Distribution Line Insulators with the Excitation of High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse |
Zhang Hanhua1, Zou Jun2, Tian Bei1, Wu Meirong1 |
1. Ningxia Key Laboratory of Electrical Energy Security Ningxia Electric Power Research Institute Ningxia 750002 China; 2. The Department of Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China |
Abstract High-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) is the fourth effect of nuclear explosion in addition to nuclear radiation, thermal radiation and blast wave. HEMP can induce large overvoltage on power lines and cause the flashover of insulator, which will threaten the security and stability of power grid. In this paper, a circuit method is proposed to analyze the induced voltage on multi- conductor transmission line network. The basic idea is to take the place of transmission line excited by HEMP with its PI-type equivalent circuit obtained by exact solution of transmission line equations, firstly. Secondly, the nodal approach and IFFT are applied on the equivalent circuit to calculate the transient induced voltage. The proposed method avoids the direct solution of the large-scale coupled transmission line equations, which simplifies the calculation. By comparing with the literature results, the circuit method is verified. Finally, the proposed method is applied to analyze the induced voltage on overhead power lines, in which the efficient coupling length (ECL) is used to simplify the overhead power line model and the influence of ground lines is also taken into account. Thereafter, the flashover possibility of four kinds of overhead power line insulators, which is excited by 400km nuclear explosion, is analyzed. The results show that flashover easily occurs on the distribution line insulator.
Received: 06 November 2018
Published: 17 January 2020
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