A Secondary Frequency Control Based on the Distributed Control Theory Considering Battery Energy Storage Systems |
Zhang Shengqi, Yuan Bei, Ji Zhendong, Wei Xiaojing, Zhao Jianfeng |
School of Electrical Engineering Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China |
Abstract With the replacement of conventional generators by the renewables in modern power system, using battery energy storage system (BESS) in secondary frequency control (SRF) is an effective way to increase the power system frequency regulation capability. In this paper, a new secondary frequency control strategy is proposed based on the distributed control theory by considering the participation of distributed BESS. The proposed control strategy can control the BESS power output precisely and maintain their SOC levels. Meanwhile, the control strategy ensures the response time when large amount of BESS in involved in the frequency control according to the practical need. Finally, promising results are shown in the dynamic model of the power system control area, and the control strategy clearly indicates the operation period and the optimal output of BESS and conventional generators, which improve the frequency regulation capability of the control area.
Received: 01 July 2018
Published: 02 January 2020
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