New Ultra High Speed Local Measurement-Based Protection Principle for Half-Wave Transmission Line Ground Fault Identification |
Chen Le, Peng Yongquan, Lin Xiangning, Li Zhengtian, Jin Neng |
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract For half-wave length transmission line main protection, aiming at the problems of unflavored action speed, the limitations of pilot protection and the existing local measurement based main protection have been analyzed. On this basis, a new main protection principle of ultra-high-speed local measurement-based protection is proposed, combined with the principle of wave-speed difference based single-ended fault location and half-wavelength line fault propagation characteristic. A new criterion is proposed by recognizing the time difference between arrival of line modal and zero modal travelling wave and the fault location can be determined. Meanwhile, fault direction is determined by direction criterion. With these two criteria, fault within nearly full range of the line can be covered. Compared with the existing pilot main protection, the action speed is increased by 1~2 cycles. Numerical simulations verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed protection principle.
Received: 13 September 2018
Published: 30 December 2019
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