Selection of Step-Stress Test Parameters for Obtaining DC Voltage Endurance Coefficient of XLPE Insulation |
Yang Lijun1, Li Zhongxuan1, Yao Renyun2, Bian Haoran1, Yuan Yuan1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Transmission & Distribution Equipment and Power System Safety and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China; 2. State Grid Chongqing Nan’an Power Supply Company Chongqing 401336 China; |
Abstract The voltage endurance coefficient is an important performance parameter of XLPE insulation, and is also of vital basis in cable design and selection of delivery test voltage. As a high-efficiency electrical life test method, parameter selection of the step-stress method has a great influence on the test results of the voltage endurance coefficient n. In this paper, a parameter selection method for step-stress test was proposed based on three indicators, i.e. cumulative damage-time (D-t) curve, variance of damage matrix D and n value relationship curve S(n), and second order of S(n) curve. These three indicators were used as the basis for the selection of the test parameters. This method provides theoretical support for the equivalence evaluation of the step-stress method and constant-stress method in electrical life test results of insulating materials. The experimental data show that the value of voltage endurance coefficient n (n=12.0) obtained by the step-stress test parameters screened by this method has good equivalence with the result under constant-stress method (n=12.2).
Received: 23 October 2018
Published: 30 December 2019
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