Optimization of Battery Energy Storage System Locating and Sizing for the Grid under the Market Mechanism |
Jiang Xin1, Zheng Xueyuan1, Hu Guobao2, Chen Genyong1, Zeng Qingshan1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Zhengzhou university Zhengzhou 450001 China; 2. State Grid Jiujiang Power Supply Company Jiujiang 332000 China |
Abstract With the advancement of the marketization process in China and the decline in the cost of battery energy storage system (BESS), it is possible for BESS to participate in the electricity market as an independent operator. In this paper, from the view of the power grid configuration BESS, a method for optimization of BESS locating and sizing under the market mechanism is proposed. Firstly, from the aspects of direct income and indirect income, the cost-benefit system of BESS participation in the electricity market is analyzed. Consequently, a multi-objective, two-tier model for optimal allocation of BESS considering planning and operation is established. The outer goal is to maximize comprehensive benefits of BESS, the saving income of operating cost for conventional units, the reducing income of curtailed renewable energy, and the decreasing income of network loss of systems. The inner goal is to minimize the cost of coordinated operation of BESS, renewable energy and conventional units. In addition, considering the impact of charge-discharge strategy on the life cycle of BESS, the interaction of BESS planning and operation is introduced into the model based on the equivalent life loss. Finally, the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is used in the improved 39-node system. The results verify the effectiveness of the proposed model and method.
Received: 31 July 2018
Published: 18 November 2019
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