A Review on Distribution System Restoration for Resilience Enhancement |
Xu Yin1, He Jinghan1, Wang Ying1, Li Jiaxu1, Li Changcheng2 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China; 2. School of Electrical Engineering Guangxi University Nanning 530004 China |
Abstract In recent years, the blackouts due to extreme events have happened frequently worldwide, which bring about huge losses and reveal the vulnerability of power systems. Resilience describes the ability of a system to prevent and adapt to condition changes, to withstand disturbances, and to recover quickly. Efficient service restoration is an important measure to enhance distribution system resilience. Firstly, the connotation of resilience is introduced, and the measures to improve distribution system resilience are reviewed. Then, as one of the measures that can directly improve resilience, the research on distribution system restoration is reviewed in detail. After describing the distribution system restoration problem for resilience enhancement and the key issues, the associated studies are reviewed by two aspects: restoration idea and solution method. Finally, future study on service restoration for energy internet resilience enhancement is discussed.
Received: 04 August 2018
Published: 02 September 2019
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