Experimental Study on Fragmentation of Magnesite Ores by Pulsed High-Voltage Discharge |
Wang Zhiqiang, Cao Yunxiao, Xing Zhengwei, Wang Jinjun, Li Guofeng |
School of Electrical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116024 China |
Abstract To improve the problem of overgrinding and dust in the mechanical grinding of magnesite ores, the fragmentation characteristics of magnesite ores were experimentally studied by pulsed high-voltage discharge in water. magnesite ores, approximately 6cm and 8cm in diameter, were respectively processed at -25kV. The morphology and composition of fragmented products were analyzed by microscope imaging, SEM and energy spectrum. In addition, shock wave pressure in the fragmentation process was studied. The results show that fragmentation types of magnesite ores are mainly dissociation fragmentation and mixed fragmentation. The mass distribution ratio of particles below 150μm is less than 10%, and the useful mineral monomer particles with micron grade are produced, which provides favorable conditions for subsequent separation of magnesite ores. Energy conversion efficiency in the fragmentation process is 15.64%, which agrees with relevant theoretical research results.
Received: 19 January 2018
Published: 01 March 2019
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