Comparison of the Characteristics of Corona Discharge in the Oil under Low and Power Frequency Voltage by Impulse-Current Method |
Zhou Yuanxiang1, Zhou Zhongliu1, Guo Shaowei2, Niu Zheng2, Zhang Ling1 |
1.Department of Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China; 2.North China Electric Power Research Institute Co.Ltd Beijing 100045 China |
Abstract For the partial discharge test of electrical equipment with large capacitance, the use of low-frequency voltage instead of power frequency voltage can effectively reduce the capacity requirements of test power supply. However the validity of partial discharge (PD) test under low frequency voltage needs to be evaluated. In order to investigate the influence of voltage frequency on corona discharge in the oil, the discharge test of the tip-plate electrode under the frequency from 50 Hz to 5 Hz was carried out based on the impulse current method. The results show that some of the main features of corona in the oil under low frequency do not change. The magnitude of discharge in positive half cycle is obviously larger than that in negative cycle. The discharge mainly distributes around the peak value of the voltage and forms a mountain shape, which becomes vague under low frequency. The inception voltage increases slightly. With the decrease of frequency, the terminal phase in positive and negative cycle are shifted to the earlier position. The average and maximum magnitude of discharge and repetition rate decrease. The phase-resolved partial discharge pattern (PRPD), discharge pattern (qmean-φ, qmax-φ, n-φ and n-q) keep similar but have different range. Some characteristic parameters vary obviously. The results can be the reference for the recognition of PD mode under low frequency voltage. The trend of the measured parameters with the variation of frequency provides more information about the insulation defect than traditional measurements under a single frequency (usually 50 Hz).
Received: 12 January 2018
Published: 10 January 2019
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