Thermal Analysis and Experimental Study of Fully-Immersed Evaporative Cooling Switching Mode Power Supply |
Wen Yingke1, 2, Ruan Lin1 |
1. Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China |
Abstract Efficient and reliable cooling technology is an urgent demand of the development of switching mode power supply to high power density. The fully-immersed evaporative cooling technology is applied to overcome the disadvantages of traditional cooling methods, such as low cooling efficiency, complex system structure and high temperature rise of the power supply. This paper took a 12V/2kW switching mode power supply as an example, described the heat dissipation principle of the fully-immersed evaporative cooling switching mode power supply, and analyzed the steady-state and dynamic thermal characteristics of the power supply theoretically. The thermal characteristics of forced air cooling and fully-immersed evaporative cooling switching mode power supply were compared by the finite element simulations and experiments. The fully-immersed evaporative cooling switching mode power supply not only has a simple cooling structure, but also has the advantages such as lower steady-state temperature rise, more uniform temperature distribution, no local hot spots and smaller thermal stress during dynamic process. The simulation and experimental results verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis, and demonstrate the feasibility and technical advantages of the application of fully-immersed evaporative cooling technology to switching mode power supply.
Received: 25 August 2017
Published: 26 September 2018
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