Study on Thermal Safety and Lifetime Consumption of IGBT in Wind Power Converters Based on Junction Temperature Monitoring |
Yao Fang1, Hu Yang1, Li Zheng2, Huang Kai1, Li Zhigang1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Reliability and Intelligence of Electrical Equipment Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China; 2. State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company Chengdong Subsidiary Tianjin 300250 China |
Abstract For the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules applied in wind power converters, online monitoring method of junction temperature is studied, thermal safety and lifetime consumption are studied based on junction temperature sequences. Online monitoring model of IGBT module junction temperature was established. The model mainly includes wind turbine model, taking wind speed as an input variable, and the electrothermal coupling model, taking ambient temperature as an input variable. Three characteristic parameters were extracted from a sub-sequence with short time scale in the junction temperature sequences and three characteristic parameter sequences were developed from all the sub-sequences. Then the thermal safety was assessed and the lifetime consumption was quantitatively studied based on the Lesit lifetime model and linear damage accumulation theory. The results show that the main factors affecting IGBT module safety involves temperature fluctuations in winter, temperature fluctuations and high temperature (the temperature corresponds to the maximum probability of a temperature sequence at a certain period) in summer. Temperature difference is one of the main causes of IGBT damage and the lifetime consumption in summer is much higher than that in winter.
Received: 23 June 2017
Published: 08 May 2018
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