Load Control of Current-Carrier Abrasion Testing Machine Based on Voice Coil Motor |
Shi Guang, Chen Zhonghua, Guo Fengyi, Wang Jiqiang |
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering Liaoning Technical University Huludao 125105 China |
Abstract In order to simulate the load fluctuation of pantograph-catenary on current-carrier abrasion testing machine, the servo control method of contact load is proposed using voice coil motor as actuator. Firstly, the servo control model of contact load is established considering the uncertain terms, based on which the backstepping control method is developed through a step-by-step design of virtual control law and ultimate control law. The proposed control method uses recurrent neural network to approximate uncertainties and external disturbances and compensate the control law. A tracking differentiator is designed to acquire contact load and its derivative so as to weaken the effect of measurement noise. The convergence and stability of the closed-loop system are strictly proved by designing Lyapunov function. Finally, comparative simulation experiments with the traditional PID controller are implemented and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified based on a hardware platform.
Received: 25 November 2016
Published: 08 May 2018
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