Singles Current Loop Control Strategy of Induction Traction Motor in Square Wave Mode and Its Parameter Robustness Analysis |
Li Hua, Fang Xiaochun, Lin Fei, Yang Zhongping, Zhu Longsheng |
Electrical College of Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract In high power traction drive system, traction motor usually operates under square wave mode in the field-weakening area. The traditional vector control under the square wave mode is limited by the single control freedom degree. Meanwhile, accurate field orientation is affected by the rotor time constant. Therefore, the accurate field-oriented control under the square wave mode is the key to the high performance control of the traction motor in the field-weakening area. This paper proposes a single current loop control strategy for the square wave mode. Q-axis voltage is calculated from the d-axis voltage and the maximum output voltage of inverter. The influence of the motor parameters on the output torque, flux linkage, current and voltage of the square wave mode is deduced by the motor equation, and then the parameter robustness of the proposed control strategy is analyzed. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed method can realize the fast and precise control of the motor current, and accurate field orientation can be achieved to ensure that the motor outputs the desired torque.
Received: 01 March 2017
Published: 08 May 2018
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