Review on X-Ray Induced Partial Discharge |
Zhang Qiang1, 2, Li Chengrong1, 2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. Beijing Key Laboratory of High Voltage and Electromagnetic Compatibility North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract X-ray has the capability to ionize the dielectrics due to its relative high energy, and it may have a potential influence on partial discharge (PD) process. In this paper, the PD phenomena induced by X-ray are explained, such as void discharge in solid insulation, void discharge and oil gap discharge in oil-paper insulation. Then, the mechanism of the X-ray induced PD is reviewed, including X-ray would supply enough electrons for voids, decrease the statistical lag of voids and reduce the partial discharge inception voltage (PDIV). After that, the application of X-ray induced PD techniques in the GIS main insulation, the epoxy resin casting insulation and the oil-paper insulation are summarized. Last but not the least, the future research emphasis on X-ray induced PD techniques in insulation assessment is revealed.
Received: 01 July 2016
Published: 02 May 2017
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