Technologies and Its Trends of Grid Integration of Distributed Generation in Active Distribution Network |
Fan Shixiong1,Pu Tianjiao1,Liu Guangyi1,Chang Qiankun2,Yu Ting1 |
1.China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China; 2.State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company Beijing 100075 China |
Abstract It is a big challenge to incorporate large amounts of distributed renewable energy resources (DRER) for the operation and control of existing distributed network.The active distribution network (ADN) is the senior stage of development of smart distribution network technology,which has large amounts of distributed generation (DG) and capability of active control and operation.Its emphasis is to find solutions to the DGs′ consumptive issues.Focusing on DG′s characteristics and combining ADN′s definition and its characteristics,this paper analyzes and summaries the key issues and technologies of grid integration of distributed generation from two aspects of topologies of DG integration and control strategy.Moreover,the trends of future technologies of DG integration are discussed.
Received: 15 July 2015
Published: 23 March 2017
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