Double-Decoupled Power Flow Calculation for AC/DC Hybrid Power System Considering Reactive Power Control Characteristics |
Zhang Ningyu, Liu Jiankun ,Zhou Qian, Hu Haoming, Chen Zhe |
State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company Research Institute Nanjing 211103 China |
Abstract The reactive power control characteristics,neglected by existed power flow methods,has an important influence on the reactive power exchange and the voltage characteristic of AC/DC hybrid power system.For the purpose of improving the accuracy of the power flow calculation,this paper proposed a double-decoupled method with HVDC reactive power control characteristics.At the beginning,AC and DC system are been decoupled,then AC power flow calculation is processed while HVDC systems are treated as constant power buses.Based on AC voltage results of HVDC converter station,transformers tap is got by corresponding formulas.In the next stage,reactive power optimal model,containing HVDC reactive power control strategy and AC grid reactive power balance equations,are established after decoupling the PQ balance equation of AC grid system.Interior point method is used to solve the above problem.In the end,Jiangsu power grid with 4 HVDC connected is tested by the double-decoupled power flow calculation algorithm and results shows the correctness.
Received: 08 August 2016
Published: 23 March 2017
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