Optimized Design for the Inductor of Shunt Active Power Filter Based on Multi-Objective 4-D Visualization Algorithm |
Xu Qunwei ,Xu Peng ,Chen Dongdong ,Chen Guozhu |
College of Electrical Engineering Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China |
Abstract The application of pluse width modulation technology will generate high-frequency switching harmonics,which is always filtered by using the LCL filter to guarantee the compensating performance of active power filter.This paper firstly optimized the parameters design of the inductors according to the demands for suppressing the ripple current and tracking the maximum current.Considering the conventional design method for inductor has disadvantages of complicated design process,repetitive steps and difficult to obtain an analytical solution,this paper proposed a 4-D visualization algorithm which deduced the three-variable functional relation between design objectives and independent variables.Then the optimal solutions can be obtained by 4-D visualization programming,which is visualized and simply practical.Finally,corresponding inductors are manufactured and applied to a 50 kV·A three-phase four-wire active power filter prototype.The results have indicated the feasibility and validity of the proposed strategy.
Received: 18 August 2016
Published: 23 March 2017
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