Traction Converter with Desaturated Diode Control for Reverse Conducting IGBT |
Huang Xianjin ,You Xiaojie ,Zheng Qionglin |
School of Electrical Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract There are many advantages of applying reverse conducting IGBTs (RC-IGBT) in traction converter.Compared to conventional two-chip IGBT/Diode power modules in traction application,the ampacity is enhanced,as well as significantly improved the thermal performance.With difference to the existing conventional IGBTs,the functions of the IGBT-switch and the freewheeling diode are integrated into one single die.RC-IGBTs with the same footprint got a lower thermal resistance because the number of active dies effectively increases.The gate terminal of RC-IGBT can be used during diode mode to control its characteristics for decreasing the recovery proceeding,which effects the switching losses mainly.In this paper,the desaturating pulse control method is designed to fit the 4-QC control strategy.Under the same condition,the traction converter used RC-IGBT runs well and achieves lower switching losses and conducting losses.The correctness and effectiveness of the proposed power module structure as well as the control strategy is showed by the simulation and test results.
Received: 19 August 2016
Published: 23 March 2017
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