The Influence of System Operation Objectives on Operation Characteristics for MMC under Unbalanced Grid Conditions |
Li Jinke, Jin Xinmin ,Wu Xuezhi, Jing Long, Shi Enze |
National Active Distribution Network Technology Research Center Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract The capacitor voltage fluctuations and the arm currents will be higher when under unbalanced grid conditions.It always affects the security and stabilization of MMC system.For analyzing the peak value of arm currents and capacitor voltages fluctuation under unbalanced grid voltage conditions,the multi-objective adjustment coefficient k and unbalance factor ε are variables in this paper.Based on the variables,the expressions peak values of arm currents and capacitor voltages fluctuations of three phases are calculated.Meanwhile,the 3D plots of electrical quantities and variables k and ε are drawn.The analysis results indicates that when k=0,the gain of electrical quantities is less than k=-1 by the increase of unbalance factor.Finally,the simulation results by Matlab verify the validity of the oretical analysis,and provide a reference for the safe operation of the system under unbalanced grid conditions.
Received: 18 August 2016
Published: 23 March 2017
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