An Online Algorithm Based on Event Triggering for Energy Management of Smart Home |
Fan Wei, Liu Nian ,Zhang Jianhua |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract As an important component of smart grid on the user side, the home energy management system is the core of the optimal operation for smart home.In this paper, the energy scheduling problem for a household equipped with photovoltaic devices is investigated.An online energy management algorithm based on event triggering is proposed.The Lyapunov optimization method is adopted to schedule the controllable load in the household.Without the forecasting of the related variables, the real-time decisions can be made only based on the current values of the variables.The algorithm could regulate energy fast under the fluctuations of the distributed generation, the electricity demand, and the market price.The event-triggering mechanism is adopted to trigger the execution of the online algorithm, so as to cut down the execution frequency and unnecessary calculation.A comprehensive comparison of the results obtained from simulation shows that the proposed algorithm could effectively decrease the electricity bill of users.Moreover, the required computational resource is small, which contributes to the low-cost energy management of smart home.
Received: 08 December 2015
Published: 15 July 2016
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