Non-Matching Meshes Mapping Method in Coupled Magnetic and Thermal Analysis of Electromagnetic Devices |
Zhang Yujiao1,2, Qin Weinan3, Liu Dongyuan1 ,Wu Gangliang1 |
1.College of Electrical Engineering and New Energy China Three Gorges University Yichang 443002 China; 2.State Key Lab.of Power System Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China; 3.State Grid Jinhua Power Supply Company Jinhua 321001 China |
Abstract In the coupled electromagnetic fluid-dynamical and thermal simulations which are done by the weak coupling finite element method (FEM) for the electromagnetic devices,the thermal loads obtained from the energy losses by electromagnetic calculations are transferred between meshes to calculate the temperature distributions by considering the influence of air and fluid flow.Because the requirements of the meshes discretization scheme are quite different between electromagnetic and fluid-thermal fields,the same finite element model applied to analyze both requirements will lead to increase the number of meshes and the time of calculation.However,if different finite element models are used,the data cannot be directly transferred between the corresponding meshes.In this paper,a non-matching mesh mapping method is proposed.The energy losses can be transferred between the different meshes by the Gauss integral and coordinate transformation.Moreover,the strategy of precision control and error correction coefficient are proposed to ensure the calculation accuracy.This method is applied to an air insulation bus duct system in the literature.The calculation results are compared with the normal matching meshes mapping method and the experiment results to validate the proposed non-matching meshes mapping method.
Received: 01 November 2014
Published: 15 July 2016
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