An Islanding Detection Method Based on Impedance Estimation Using External Centralized Disturbances for Multi-Distributed Generation System |
Jia Ke1, Huan Kaixiang1, Wei Hongsheng1, Bi Tianshu1, He Guoqing2 |
1.State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2.State Grid Corporation of China Beijing 100192 China |
Abstract Active detection methods are mostly employed in existing islanding detections for renewable power generations which are connected to the grid through inverters.But,due to the mutual interferences of their disturbance signals,there might be a non-detection zone when multiple generations or inverters are connected to the grid.And also,this would bring bad influences on the power quality of the system.In view of the issues above,an active islanding detection method suitable for both single distributed generator (DG)and multiple-DGs cluster is put forward in this paper,which can avoid the mutual interferences of multi-supply disturbance signals.In addition,it is universally applicable for different types of DGs,including the grid-connected inverter and the synchronous generator,etc.Meanwhile,the measured impedance model for the grid-connected inverter is proposed under circumstances of the external disturbance signals.The characteristic quantity distinction before and after islanding is amplified by using the wideband spike pulse injection and the high-frequency reactance calculation,which improves the detection sensitivity.Moreover,by means of the intermittent zero-crossing-point (ZCP)injection control proposed in the paper,the method improves the accuracy of the impedance estimation,reduces the disturbances to the power system caused by the active detection method,and ensures favorable power quality.Meanwhile,the control lowers the requirement for the DC voltage level of the injection device,which ensures the practicability and economy.
Received: 05 July 2015
Published: 15 July 2016
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