Space Charge Characteristics and Dielectric Properties of Nano-SiO2/Aramid Paper Composite |
Liao Ruijin1, Liu Haibin1, Bai Ge1, Hao Jian2, Li Xiao1, Lin Yuandi1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China; 2. State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company Electric Power Research Institute Chongqing 401123 China |
Abstract In order to apply aramid paper in the DC power transmission equipment to increase the life expectancy, the method of nano-SiO2 particle modified aramid insulation paper is proposed to improve the space charge properties and DC dielectric properties. The aramid insulation paper samples with different nano-SiO2 contents wad presented. The space charge characteristics, the thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC), DC breakdown voltage and volume resistivity of aramid papers with different SiO2 contents were measured respectively under increasing voltage and short circuit conditions. The results show that nano-SiO2 could efficiently prevent the space charge injection. The medium charge density of nano-modified aramid paper samples is smaller than that of the pure aramid paper sample during the voltage-on process. With the increasing percentage of nano-SiO2, the decay rate decreases at the first and then increases. The result of TSDC indicates that nano-SiO2 increases the density of deep trap and shallow trap simultaneously. The DC breakdown strength of the sample with 1%wt nano-SiO2 is the maximum. The volume resistivity of aramid papers increases with the increasing of nano-SiO2 content. When the concentration of nano-particle is too high, the improvement of aramid paper performance is weakened as a result of poor dispersion.
Received: 26 December 2014
Published: 12 July 2016
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