Flow Electrification Characteristics of Typical Plane Oil-Pressboard Insulation under AC Voltage |
Lin Lin1, Chen Qingguo1, Gao Yuan1, He Zilan2, Chen Shaojie2 |
1. Key Laboratory of Engineering Dielectrics and Its Application Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin 150080 China; 2. Electric Power Research Insititute China Southern Power Grid Co. Ltd. Guangzhou 510080 China |
Abstract To investigate the flow electrification characteristics of oil-paper insulation under AC voltage, a typical plane oil-pressboard insulation structure was built in laboratory. Experiment study on flow electrification was carried out with the closed oil circulating system, and the relationships were also discussed among streaming current, the voltage amplitude and temperature under AC voltage. The results show that the flow electrification characteristics of oil-paper insulation are related to the temperature and flow velocity in the absence of an external energizing voltage. The streaming current increases linearly with flow velocity at low temperature. At high temperature, the streaming current and flow velocity have the relationship of power function. The streaming current is associated with the amplitude of the applied voltage under AC voltage. The streaming current changes little if the amplitude of AC voltage applied on the oil-paper insulation is low. After the applied voltage amplitude rises to a certain value, the streaming current increases obviously with the voltage amplitude. Temperature has great influence on streaming current. That is, the streaming current increases exponentially with the increase of temperature, and the influence of the temperature is even more obvious under high velocity. The theoretical analysis demonstrate that the increase of charging tendency under AC voltage can be attributed to the enhancement of charge generation speed at oil-paper interface by ions migration in the paper. The temperature influences the flow electrification characteristics through affecting the ions migration, diffusion speed, and the electric field distribution.
Received: 04 June 2014
Published: 03 March 2016
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