Study on the Security and Stability Control Strategy Enhancing the Wind Power Consuming Ability of the Wind-Thermal Power Combining Hazheng UHVDC System |
Xu Shiyun1,Wu Ping1,Zhao Bing1,Yi Jun1,Chen Zhanming2 |
1.China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China 2.School of Economics Renmin University of China Beijing 100872 China |
Abstract Based on the uncertainty of the thermal power scheme and the power supply construction as well as various operation modes of the sending end power system,this study concentrates on the new security and stability problems of the North West—Xinjiang 750 kV AC interconnected power system caused by the operation of wind-thermal power combining Hami—Zhengzhou ±800 kV HVDC transmission project (the Hazheng UHVDC project).The security and stability control strategy for increasing the wind power consuming ability and the control system configuration for Hami transmission station are given.The results of this study can be applied to guide the practical operation of the power system,and solve the security and stability issues due to the weakness of the Xibei—Xinjiang AC system and the complexity of the AC/DC system characteristics.In this regard,the coordinated optimal control of the large energy base sending out system can be realized.
Received: 18 November 2014
Published: 14 September 2015
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