A Method to Estimate the Capacity of the Lithium-ion Battery Based on Energy Model |
Liu Jinzhi,Yang Peng,Li Lianbing |
School of Control Science and Engineering Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China |
Abstract The Lithium-ion battery has a steep drop of the real-time voltage at the start of the discharge and a rise of the real-time voltage at end of the discharge,which makes it difficult to determining the relationship between the open circuit voltage and the real-time voltage and also causes difficulties for estimating the state of charge(SOC) accurately with conventional methods.In response to this,a new method based on energy model for estimating the SOC of the lithium-ion battery during the discharge is put forward.Firstly,the dual-source model with nonlinear controlled sources is proposed,and then the parameters of this model are identified according to the capacity characteristics of the battery.The SOC is forecasted under the condition of the constant current discharge,the variable current discharge,and the simulated working condition.The comparison of the predicted and the measured SOC proves that the method can accurately simulate the capacity characteristics of the battery and estimate its SOC.
Received: 10 December 2014
Published: 14 September 2015
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