An Average Current Control Strategy of AC-DC Converter for High-speed Low Voltage Generators with Wide Voltage Input |
Tai Liuchen,Lin Mingyao,Wang Jianhua,Fu Xinghe |
Engineering Research Center for Motion Control of MOE Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China |
Abstract A two-switch Buck-Boost (TSBB) converter controlled by the average current mode is proposed for the high-speed low-voltage generator.For the high-speed low-voltage generator,its output voltage range is wide and low-frequency voltage ripple is also large.In order to supply power to low-voltage DC power system,the generator output voltage need to be regulated by the DC converter.The noninverting two switches Buck-Boost converter is suitable for wide input voltage applications.The low-frequency small-signal model of the non-ideal TSBB converter is built in the synchronous operation mode based on the averaged switch method,and the key transfer function of the control system is also derived.The influences of the input parameters,the load changes,and the right half plane (RHP) zero points on the control system are then analyzed.Based on the small-signal models,the average current control strategy with high stability and low output ripple and suitable for wide input voltage is proposed.The feasibility of the proposed average current control strategy is verified by the simulation using SABER software.And a prototype with 10 times input voltage range is built to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.
Received: 08 December 2014
Published: 14 September 2015
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