Modeling of Coupled Capacitances and Bearing Voltage in Induction Motors Fed by Inverters Based on Numerical Calculation of Electromagnetic Field |
Liu Ruifang,Li Junfeng,Sang Bingqian,Cao Junci |
School of Electrical Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract The common mode voltage of PWM inverter drive system will induce bearing voltage and bearing current in the motor under the influence of the coupled capacitance of the motor. Accurate calculation of the coupled capacitance of the motor is important to forecast the bearing voltage. After analyzing the common mode circuit model of the system, the 2D and 3D finite element models of the motor are established respectively. The results show that the end part of winding is a key factor to the stator winding to rotor capacitance Cwr. The calculation considering the end part of winding in 3D analysis is more accurate than which in 2D analysis. It is concluded that the length of extended straight part of stator winding and the thickness of squirrel-cage ring in axial direction are two main factors which can affect Cwr. The 3D transient electric field finite element calculation is applied on an induction motor fed by inverter. The result shows that bearing voltage mirrors the common mode voltage, which verifies the effectiveness of the analysis model.
Received: 10 August 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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