Analysis on Electro-magnetic Field and Performance Calculation of 2-DOF Direct Drive Induction Motor |
Si Jikai1,Ai Liwang1,Xie Lujia1,Cao Wenping2,Zhu Yifeng1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University Henan Jiaozuo 454003; 2. Queen's University Belfast, University Road Belfast, BT7 1NN, Northern Ireland, UK |
Abstract Two degrees of freedom(2-DOF) actuators capable of producing pure rotary motion, pure linear motion, or helical motion has a considerable application in mechanical tools and robotics etc. A new 2-DOF direct drive induction motor with hallow ferromagnetic mover coated with copper sheet was proposed in this paper. The equivalent plate model was adopted to simplify the complex electromagnetic analysis. The 3-D electromagnetic governing equations were established to calculate the electro-magnetic field quantities of air-gap, copper and steel of the rotor using Maxwell equations. The surface impedance of the medium was adopted to obtain rotor parameters according to the results of electro-magnetic field calculation. Compared the performance calculation results of equivalent circuit model with finite element mothod, the rationality and feasibility of the equivalent circuit model as well as the equivalent plate model was verified.
Received: 10 September 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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