Sensitive Equipment Immunity Assessment Based on a New Voltage Sag Description |
Kong Xiangyu,Xu Yonghai,Tao Shun |
State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract The traditional description method of voltage sag is introduced first, and then its limitations applying in sensitive equipment immunity assessment process are analyzed. A new voltage sag description method using multiple voltage threshold and duration is presented. Based on the new description, the single event and site assessment method for equipment immunity evaluation is proposed, and then the concept of site voltage sags description figure is given. The failure frequency and frequency range of equipment can be obtained conveniently using the proposed method with the equipment voltage tolerance curve. Also, a voltage sag severity index based on the new description, which can overcome the existing shortcomings of overestimation and imprecision of the traditional method, is presented. Finally, the methods above are used to assess the immunity of four typical sensitive equipments, PLC, ASD, AC Relay and PC. The results obtained from the traditional methods are compared and analyzed. The overestimations of traditional method as well as the feasibility of the proposed method are verified.
Received: 16 August 2013
Published: 13 April 2015
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