Error Modification and Temperature Simulation of J-A Model |
Li Chao, Xu Qifeng |
Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350108 China |
Abstract Jiles-Atherton(J-A) model is widely employed in the area of magnetic modeling, however, the minor hysteresis loop given by J-A model is not accurate and J-A model can not study the effects of temperature on hysteresis loop. In order to build an accurate temperature-dependent hysteresis loop model, the methods of error modification and temperature simulation on J-A model are proposed. The accuracy of minor hysteresis loop is improved by modifying model parameters and temperature is introduced into J-A model by adding curie temperature, critical exponent and other parameters. Modeling process of Fe-Si magnetic sheet is introduced and results show good agreement between theory and experiment and prove that the new model is useful.
Received: 25 March 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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