Wireless Power Transfer System with High Misalignment Tolerance Based on Bipolar Coupling Magnetic-Field Control |
Xie Shiyun, Yang Yi, Li Lian, Zhang Lu, Zhang Xiaoqin |
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Chongqing University of Technology Chongqing 400054 China |
Abstract During the static wireless charging of electric vehicles, misalignment between the transmitting and the receiving structures is inevitable. Such misalignment may cause a rapid decrease in the coupling coefficient and transfer efficiency of the magnetic coupling structure. Therefore, a critical issue for the static wireless power transfer (WPT) system of the electric vehicle is to improve the coupling structure's misalignment tolerance with high stability of the pickup power of the receiving structure. A WPT system with high misalignment tolerance based on bipolar coupling magnetic-field control is proposed. A double-layer quadrature DD (DQDD) coil is used for the transmitting structure, and an overlapping DD (OLDD) coil is adopted for the receiving structure. The DQDD coil comprises two sets of DD coils decoupling each other in a double-layer quadrature layout. The quadrature layout enables the magnetic fluxes induced from two sets of DD coils to be in an orthogonal position in space. Meanwhile, the dominant magnetic flux between two sets of DD coils is close to zero.The OLDD coil of the receiving structure can be changed into the CP coil by controlling two switches, so that the magnetic field picked up by the OLDD can change from bipolarity to unipolarity. Firstly, an LCC-S circuit based on a dual inverter-single rectifier is constructed. To achieve decoupling for control, the two sets of DD coils in the transmitting structure are excited by the two channels of inverters separately to adjust the output voltage amplitude and phase of the two channels of inverters, respectively. The parameter configuration for the constant excitation current of the transmitting coil and output voltage are deduced. Secondly, the interaction between the characteristic parameters of the coupling structure and coupling coefficient is given when the transmitting structure and the receiving structure are entirely aligned. Accordingly, the size of the DQDD-OLDD coupling structure is optimized. Then, a magnetic-field control strategy is given to achieve the desired maximum coupling coefficient. By controlling the phase difference between the excitation current of the transmitting DQDD coil and the pickup polarity of the receiving OLDD coil, the high transfer efficiency of the WPT system is maintained when misalignment occurs. Combined with the magnetic-field control strategy, a pattern-matching monitoring method based on the position of the receiving structure is proposed. Thus, the excitation mode and the picking structure can match regardless of the random movement of the receiving structure, avoiding the frequent execution of the control program. Finally, an indicator, coupling coefficient attenuation ratio (CCAR), is defined to measure the anti-misalignment performance of the coupling structure. The proposed coupling structure has higher misalignment tolerance than the conventional circle pad and DD coupling structure. An experimental prototype was built, and the equivalent coupling coefficient was measured. The anti-misalignment performance of the DQDD-OLDD coupling structure in the XOY plane has been verified. In addition, the power converter circuit and the compensation circuit of the prototype at five positions were- measured, which verifies the system transfer characteristics of the dual inverter-single rectifier. The experimental results indicate that the output power is maintained at 1.8 kW in the 270 mm horizontal misalignment range, and the system efficiency is maintained above 88 %.
Received: 21 June 2022
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